Enum InfrastructureReturnCode
Defined in File InfrastructureReturnCode.h
Enum Documentation
enum class Microsoft::XboxStudios::Bifrost::InfrastructureReturnCode : int16_t
Infrastructure return codes.
enumerator Success
The operation was a success.
enumerator UnknownError
Error code is unknown.
enumerator ImmediateCallError
Attempted to call a non-immediate hook call immediately.
enumerator InvalidHookName
Attempted to call an unregistered hook call.
enumerator StreamingEncoderNotRegistered
Failed to stream back response because streaming encoder was not registered. (C# server only)
enumerator StreamingStateInvalid
Failed to stream back response because the streaming state is null.
enumerator NotSupported
Failed to complete operation because it is not supported.
enumerator NotImplemented
Attempted to execute a built-in hook that is not implemented.
enumerator StringTooLarge
Attempted to encode a string that is too large.
enumerator InvalidArgument
Failed to perform operation because an argument was not valid.
enumerator Success