SQ Tech Documentation
Project Description
Aruba Bug filing tool for Phoenix
Bifrost A modular cross platform Remote Procedure Call (RPC) solution for test tools and automation
Bot Brain Automated bot utility AI
Client Manager RPC connection automation support and UI library
Code Quality Shared team configurations for C# code analysis
CrashCABN V2 Crash dump collector, analyzer, and bug filer
Device Console Cross-platform device automation library (currently Xbox and Win10)
Game State Tracker Game state tracking over RPC
Game Toolkit Game test tool and automation library
Heimdall Matchmaking service for tool connections across network firewalls
NukeExt Shared build definitions and extensions for the NUKE library
Overmind Automated bot utility AI (redirects to Bot Brain)
Phoenix Plugin-based application for various test tools
Roster Web-based document storage service for title, tool, and user data
SQ Tech Authentication Libraries to authenticate HTTP requests using the authorization code flow.
UnrealToolkit Unreal Engine interface to RPC hooks and game state